Thursday, July 19, 2007

They Didn't Study

After long nights of studies, you are in the exam hall and sitting in front of the test paper. Though the test questions look somewhat familiar, your brain isn't in the right mood to function and you are not sure how to answer.


You just goofed off and didn't study at all.

What will you do?

Let's look how others dealt creatively when they are stuck in exams here.


The Soothsayer said...

Wonderful! I love the last one. Expand (a + b) ^ 2.


Cuppa Chai said...

Among all my friends, most probably you are the only one who still needs to take exams, remember some of these tricks and give your prof's some pleasant surprises, will ya?

The Soothsayer said...

Lol... only Korean exam left! Finished the rest.