Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Paradox of Tomorrow's

If you will be dead tomorrow, will you still go to office?

I won't.

How about if you will be dead in one-month time? 3-month time?

Nope, I still won't want to go to work. Not at all.

Repeat the above question with increasing amount of days up until one year. I still hear myself saying 'no way!'.

So far the above sounds like a typical Sunday whine. What intrigue me are the following pair of statements:

a) I will be dead in n-th day from now, where n > 0 and obviously countable
b) Tomorrow I will still go back to office to work

Something is NOT right.

My short term and long term views don't tally and contradict with each other.

If I were given a 'due date', so to speak, I can instantly identify the current job is not my cuppa.

The problem is: death is so far away to most people, including myself, to the extent we just pretend it doesn't exist, and live yet another day on something that doesn't touch our hearts. Maybe the current job isn't too bad, or it is just good, but not great. The inertia of laziness just drags us down to the point we think we are happy.

However the 'what-if' questions above really force me to re-examine what I have done, and what I plan to do.

Houston Cuppa, we have a problem...


Jimmy L. said...

Game theory had covered such a case. It's called backward induction. If you will not make a choice at N-th trial, then you won't make the same choice at N-1-th trial... it goes on till you won't make the choice at 0-th trial.

One way to theoretically overcome the problem is to introduce NPV and hypothesis testing threshold. If N is large, then NPV is small, if NPV < Threshold, then JUST DO IT! (Nike TM) :P

Well, but think about it... what is your discount rate and what is your threshold. That can't be solved by theory alone.

PRAY,IT WORKS. joe's blog said...

The problem is you man. Y is d chocolate tastier to a child than to an adult. Answer: D child lives d moment, not d past nor d future but d present. LIVE d moment, MAN.