I am not asking for a handphone with satellite up-link, energy protection shield, ion cannon weapon, or a nucleus fission generator built in. In fact, my list is simple:
- A battery that can last for at least 1 month without charging under light use (average under 1 hour per day)
- Provides address book that simplifies searching, replacing, and making calls
- Speaker with good sound quality and audible volume even in noisy places, and a matching microphone for hands-free use
- SMS capability, which at least should support Chinese and English with decent input methods
- A 3.2 MPixel or better camera that is simple and easy to use.
The last requirement would not have made it in if I were compiling the list last year. So far I always believe an item should be simple and should excel at what it is doing: a camera phone just seemed funny. However after using my V3i which has a 1.3M camera, though as shitty as the camera is, I still find myself using it relative frequently. Therefore I conclude a camera phone will sometime come in handy.
To Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, LG, whatever: if you want my money, produce a phone that matches the above specs, and I will instantly throw my money at you. No kidding.
You being a software engineer might just design the perfect phone for your own usage! ;)
Actually I did seriously ponder upon this possibility, but the battery part is a hard nut for me to crack because it is costly to make and has certain degree of danger. Lithium ion battery can have temperature rises from room temperature to 300 degree celsius in few seconds. :(
Battery that last 1 month under light usage of 1 hour/day? I think the transmission power is slightly under 1 W for a h/p. You do the math. Your battery will probably be 1/2 the size of your phone. ;)
As long as the battery size doesn't cause any inconvenience, I am fine with that. :)
I meant the size of your current phone. ;)
Ya, if it will increase my current phone size by 50%, I am ok. At least I can bring it for a short term travel without a charger
I work for t-mobile and I too would like the phone you describe! But I also want that kind of battery for my laptop - I'm sick of batteries that do not stay charged as the spec's describe.
Nice post!
Dennis: In fact, most electronic gadgets nowadays have less-than-optimum battery power. I think there are a lot of R&D opportunities in energy devices.
Thanks for visiting :)
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