Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Time Management

I have been told 'time is precious' since young, but often I just neglect the advices. See after a work day, the whole body seems out of order. Although I still carry myself to cook myself the dinner sometimes, I can't do much after that except reading news.

Feel quite bad for wasting my time like that. I read an article on time management that teaches us to calculate my hourly income to serve as a guideline for what I should and shouldn't do: If the value of task on hand is less than my hourly income, I shouldn't do it. Well, it sounds all right, but there are a lot of factors to consider when making such decisions.

I know how to calculate the ROI (Return Of Investment) for my money, but I still can't figure out the ROI for my time....

1 comment:

Jimmy L. said...

Chinabengs like me will say,"一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴".

One inch of gold can't buy you one inch of time (about 5 minutes?).

It's like this, how much would you pay to roll back one day? two days? 3 months? one year? 10 years?

That depends on what you had messed up since that particular point in time. In general the longer the time period, the more things we have messed up.