Saturday, December 09, 2006

Organic Store War, The Movie

Store war is a short movie about organic food using Star War's theme. The making is clever and well-thought-of.

At a deeper level, we should rethink what we humans have done to land ourselves into this state: Not long ago before the industrial revolution, all food were organic and in fact, there was no other alternatives anyway. In less than one hundred years, we have screwed ourselves so badly that we have to pay much higher prices for organic produces; pay for something that initially belonged to us.

Now buying drinking water is already common in a lot of countries. Most probably a couple of decades down the road we will have to buy fresh air in canisters. This isn't funny.


The Soothsayer said...

One of my dreams. Buy a plot of land and live off my own produce. Wholesome and safe. :)

Cuppa Chai said...

My friend, water and air you can't produce by yourself, can you? :) If you have a friendly neighbour which likes to export haze, what you gotta do?