Sunday, December 31, 2006

Internet and My Daily Life

Recently the earth quake in Taiwan had caused a world-wide havoc: it torn off the communication links connecting Asia and US.

For days the Internet was excruciatingly slow, or downright dead upon loading. I heard news reports of some Internet users started to get irascible, uneasy, and even sleepless for lost of Internet connection. Typical symptoms of addiction.

For me initially that was some discomfort as my periodic goofing off had come to an end. But after some time I found out I am more productive and can actually think more without Internet.

To start with I am not a big fan of using the modern tech devices, especially handphone and TV. After finding out I can actually live with minimal Internet usage, imagine how much time I can save on this?

To celebrate this new-found reality, I rushed out and bought two books from the Borders. Ok ok, I said I won't buy books anymore, but hey, this is eventful enough to warrant some books. No?


Anonymous said...

I haven't used a handphone for 1.5 years. I'm not a big fan of all those 24/7 connected every where gadgets as well. Think I may be in the wrong field.

Cuppa Chai said...

I think it is more productive by staying a safe distance from the thing we do. Warren Buffett doesn't work in any financial hubs, instead he works in his home town in Omaha. :)

Anonymous said...

I bought 4 books recently, all on stock trading. It's good to see a bigger picture of the world and yet somehow, everything seems related. :)