Friday, May 25, 2007

Walk Walk, Look Look, and Drink Drink

The title of this post sounds weird, at least to those who don't know Chinese. However for those who do, this is a typical direct translation of Chinese syntax. Its meaning is straight-forward: I visited some place: walked, looked around, and took a drink somewhere in between.

In the above context, I did my walk-walk around the main Bazaar in Kuching.
Natives selling local veggies

I chose to visit this place because it will soon be gone in September, making way to yet-another-mega shopping mall in the hope (of the government officials) to compete for tourists. But to me this place is unique and has its own special charisma which is a valuable comparative advantage. Destroying it merely will only handicap the attractiveness of this place. All in all, I don't think tourists will want to choose Kuching as a place for shopping as opposed to Singapore or Hong Kong.

Deal? Yeah. :)

My farewell to main bazaar....


The Soothsayer said...

Malaysian tourism is f^&* up lah. Why would people go to Kuching to do shopping? I think they should do a study on what tourists actually want.

When I visit a foreign country, shopping is usually the last thing on my mind. I'd like to see the local heritage sites and unique culture. Maybe I'm weird but I don't think so.

BTW, is the photo in your profile the one I took for you in Cliff's of Moher?

Cuppa Chai said...

Most people travel because they want to see something unique, something that can't be found in their own countries. Shopping centers are more or less the same everywhere in the world, therefore building them to attract tourists sounds really stupid. Sigh...

Yeap, the photo is the one you took in Cliff of Moher :)