Saturday, June 28, 2008

Birthday Gifts

This year's birthday, although I was away, but I still received quite a lot of well wishes through friendster, or sms's. I believe if I were online during that period, I would have received even more (you see then only you remember?)

Nevertheless I also received some very nice gifts from friends. One from Mr. Snail, one from my Filipino friend EM, and another one from my Burmese friend Myo.

The ultra good looking Cooler-Master laptop cooler from Mr. Snail, cute nodding monkey decoration from Myo, and a steel parker ball-point pen from EM

Here I would like to thank all those who remember my birthday. :D


The Soothsayer said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for reminding us. ;)

Cuppa Chai said...

Thanks. ;)