Though I have a dead line to meet in 2 weeks, I try not to think about work today.
Instead, I am doing what Steven Covey said, "Sharpening the saw". In other words, I am doing things that normally I have no time to do, but nevertheless they do contribute positively to my productivity and overall well-beings.
A good example will be cleaning up of my humble abode. I swept and mopped the floor, and tidied up the stack of newspaper, purging the older ones for recycling.
A clean up doesn't limit to physical stuff; I also scanned my work computer for spywares and viruses, as well as ran the disk defragmenter to ensure disk access time is optimum.
Down to my heart, all these scanning and defragmenting are unnecessary taxes we pay for using M$ products. Some people may say why don't you use Linux/OS X/Solaris? Well, these OSes have their own problems. In fact, there are a lot of news that viruses and malwares are starting to targetting Mac OS. Why? Because the user base for OS X has grown so much that now it is profitable to write a malware for it. I believe we will live with M$ for sometime to come. Linux? Nay, it is a good candidate, but I don't see it as a viable main-stream OS contender for another 3 to 5 years.
A picture tells a thousand words:
No, let's not talk about politics today. What can I say anyway?
Write scripts to automate. But most windows programme got scheduler.
I think the main things that need to be improved in Linux are the graphics drivers and the sound card. That's what Windows has great support for, granted that most hardware manufacturers prefer to keep their drivers closed source and m$ doesn't give a damn if they do unlike some of the Linux advocates. If they want to push Linux, they need to take a less confrontative stand and include some binaries into the Kernel because I don't see hardware manufacturers opening their source codes any time soon. I guess this is drifting into politics of another kind. ;)
Scheduler won't help as I only sharpen my saw aperiodically. Having a scheduled task is too rigid for me.
Linux has more issues than merely lack of good open source device drivers. One of the issues I have is on library upgrade. Thing may improve over the years, but from my memory, upgrading key libraries like glibc are close to impossible on a reasonably used system with multiple packages installed. I heard Ubuntu has a decent package installer, but I have not tried Ubuntu yet.
Hardly had any problem (or none that I can remember) with glibc on my FC4 and now Ubuntu for the longest time. That was a problem years ago with RH5.2 and the ilk. Times have changed. :)_
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