Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Not sure why I am sleepless, usually I have gone to bed this time. I just browsed facebook, nothing much there. Don't think I can read any technical stuff at the moment, though I have been tinkering with the Qt tool kit these few days, and this tool kit is where C++ really shines.

Some people argue that you can implement the same thing in C with even better performance, but C lacks a lot of features like classes, data type checking and support for object-oriented programming. Using C in this case is just awkward. I also came across a installation wizard written in Python using Qt4 binding, and hey, it is neat and actually quite easy (enjoyable I would say, if you will pardon me describing reading script files can be joyful) to read, compared to scripts written in bash or perl.

More on this next time I guess...

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