Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Nothingness

I think there are more than one blog posts of mine bearing this title. Indeed this is how I feel throughout these days.

Days and nights just zip by and all I can remember are 1) I wake up and go to office 2) I go back home from office and ready to sleep

Time flies so fast I barely remember what I have done, well, I did attend a gathering on Valentine's day and had a good time, but it is pretty much of it.

Gee, how should we counter this zombie-like lives???


Anonymous said...

1) Kaizen. Every day do things a little different so that tomorrow can be better than today.

2) Get married. This will shake things up a little.

3) Say yes to any opportunity. So that you will do what you won't normally do, including ordering viagra and penis enlargers from the Spam folder.

The Soothsayer said...

1. Join the army. Uncle Lee needs you!

2. Join a terrorist organisation. Osama needs you!

3. Join a brothel. You'll meet new people everyday.

Hope this helps!

Cuppa Chai said...

Getting married is at least not in near term. I can't quite manage with one variable (me)now, putting yet another one from Venus will not only shake things up, she will crash everything.... :P

I think uncle Sam is the bigger terrorist group than Osama's. True? :P