Not quite. I have been keeping myself abreast with the world news, and what gets most of my attention is the earth quake that shook Sichuan Province in China on May 12.
I have seen a lot of pictures online, and here I post some of those that struck me.

This earth quake is a tragedy, however it does have some positive effects. First of all, it has a unification effect where the whole China and Chinese from all over the world put aside the political and ideological differences and chip in to help. Attention on Tibet is alleviated, Taiwan not talking much on independence or joining WHO, and the leaders of China are shown with more positive lights.
Life is fragile, just one minute of earth quake changed lives of million of people. A blogger in China secrets admires his classmate for a long long time. However after years he still doesn't have the courage to tell her. She died in the 512 quake, and he regrets big time. In his blog, he keeps asking himself why he didn't have the guts to tell her earlier.
Similar stories abound: wife plans to go travel with husband but was too busy, keep postponing the plan; children plan to bring old parents for a trip, again too busy and keep postponing. All now grieve with life-long regrets.
Realizing the uncertainty of life long long time ago, Cuppa has contingency plan long long time ago.
First, long long time ago he already told the girl he loves her in an ultra repetitive and boring way, to the extent she wanted to sue him. Anyway, that message is believed already been driven home. It is her turn to regret should anything happens to Cuppa. Heh. :P
Next Cuppa will travel with his parents to Europe in early June, hoping to fulfill one of the his ToDo list items.
Among the list of items..., to settle my parents in my place of birth, to have a family, and later, to work as a volunteer in Africa...?
We shall see. Treasure those around you. You never know what will happen in the next day, or even next hour....
Something more cheerful to end this post with:
After hearing about all the Chinese who want to get out of China for a better life in the US of A, I've only met one Chinese student here who really wants to live outside of China. Everyone else seems determined to go back. Patriotism is pretty strong with these folks. Don't really think they need the earth quake to unite them.
Patriotism could be one factor, but I feel the main reason is the booming China economy and a weakening US. In fact, this is true to those from India, Korea, etc. It is all about $. :P
I'm a believer in the goodness of the human soul. :P
You, my friend, are a cynical, sardonic old engineer. ;)
Maybe it is because I worked for InHell for too long. Darn... ;)
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