Sunday, March 09, 2008

P1i Update Service Fiasco

I encountered some issue while trying to run the Sony Ericsson Upgrade Service (SEUS) program for my P1i.

The error message is as cryptic as ever, and the programmer is extremely strong a candidate to get the 'idiotic programmer of the year' award for the very informative message:

"Incompatible Macromedia version. Required verision available from Application will terminate"

Macromedia is (should be 'was', because it is now owned by Adobe) a company name, and there are quite a few products in the Macromedia family. On top of that, what is the 'required' version anyway?

After some search, it turns out the update service requires the Flash Player version 8 or later.

If you are not using Internet Explorer, as most sane programmers do, you are screwed, despite the fact you downloaded and installed the latest flash player. Reason being SEUS only looks at the flash player installed at Internet Explorer, and my IE 7 told me the version it had was version 6. Duh.

Use this link:

Solution is simple: Open the above link with Internet Explorer and upgrade Flash Player accordingly. Even if you did that for firefox/opera/etc., you still gotta do it again for IE. Yeah, stupid, that is the price to pay for using Windoze.

1 comment:

2t said...

Nothing Worked. Flash installed on IE. Flash Installed on FireFox. Mutual & Exclusive. Nothing could start the Update Service. I am using Alien GUI for desktop. Restored back to XP and sony update service on P1i started working fine