My apology for my readers for delaying the writing of this how-to series for so long. Counting using an advanced calculation apparatus, namely my fingers, it seems I wrote the first installment for almost 4 months ago. Should disappointed readers want to fume their frustrations, may I suggest them to throw Euro dollar bills (No US dollars, no ringgit), PS3, laptop computer (at least core 2 duo, 1 GB ram and a 8800GTX graphics card), or even a few pretty girls at Cuppa. I don't mind to defend the right to free speech with those gadgets and babes.
Today's topic is called "Blind Talk". In more plain word, it is 'bull-shit'
1. "Our universities are competitive because we are still in the world top 5000. The slip is due to the ranking is calculated differently" - a politician commented on the slip of overall rankings in local universities
His point: As long as we are in top something, we are fine. Nevermind the slip, because it is the ranking committee's fault, not ours. However, it is trivial to achieve that aim, for any number n, we are assured of in top m by making m >= n. For example, if there are 400 universities and we are ranked 399, we are still in top 400!
2. "There are no discriminations in our country. There are a lot of doctors, accountants and engineers as well as rich people in those races. This shows the government treats ethnic Chineses and Indians fairly." - a politician commented on the recent strikes
His point: Ethnic chinese and indian must be on the edge of starvation or in extremely dire situation to show they are being discriminated, anything less than that doesn't warrant a complaint.
Now the more interesting part: Application.
How to Apply:
"Cuppa is handsome. This is a candid self-assessment, well, as candid as the BolehLand politicians say they are holymen"
There is no discrimination - once you join the upper echelons of the richest & most powerful in Malaysia. They definitely display the muhibbah spirit of screwing the rakyat.
Yeap, that I agree. We have been screwed for so long, of course i know it too well.
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