Thursday, June 14, 2007

Yahoo! Instant Messaging

Yahoo! has launched an in-mail chatting facility similar to Google's: The web mail interface now shows your chat buddies and theoretically should allow online users to chat with each other in real-time.

Even though I already deprecated the use of my Yahoo account, I still log in at least once per day to check emails. Needless to say the number of spams is spectacular. However the account is still worth keeping because I have been using it for almost ten years. :)

For those who have yahoo! account and don't like Gmail, do remember to add me as your buddy =)


The Soothsayer said...

We would if you'd only let us know your user id!

Heard yahoo is given unlimited email space as well?

Cuppa Chai said...

Yahoo account is kept of historical purpose. I spend more time on my Gmail account.

Yes, Yahoo is giving out unlimited email space.