Very recently, Apple started its next foray into the lucrative PC market after migrating to the x86 platform last year. This time it ported its web browser, Safari on to the Windoze platform for everybody to try on. (Link is here)
Since I always like Apple products, I downloaded Safari for a test drive. The result is very disappointing though.
To clarify, I am reviewing this product from an ordinary user's perspective, using it just for normal day-to-day chores: online banking, web surfing, blogging, etc. No attempt was made to break it (more on that later). Even though this is still in the Public Beta phase, I am expecting all the normal things to work.
Upon clicking on it, the launch speed is indeed impressive. However the catch is it fetches the initial web site much slower than its peer (relative to firefox, but still faster than IE, obviously). I guess the Apple engineers just launch the skeleton _first_, such that it is fast as claimed, but doing all the initializations right after that.
I also tried to import some of my firefox bookmarks, but the import bookmark feature just didn't work, basically it just did nothing after I specified the file. On top of all these, online banking also didn't work and Safari just killed itself after I keyed in my username and password.
After all these trials, I decide to just leave it around until a more usable version comes out. For now, I still have my good faithful firefox. Using IE? You are kidding. :P
Not surprisingly, Safari already has a security vulnerability discovered (see here). So much for the 'world's best browser'.
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