Today I am relatively free, and am able to afford time to examine my own life.
I can't help it, but I keep on equating life with linear algebra. This is pretty amusing and weird.
If we can equate each action in life as a vector in some well-defined space, then the combinations of actions span the space of life, just as a set of (linearly independent) vectors will span a certain space (ok, there are mild constraints, omitted). Life is definitely non-linear, and each action has consequences, but this thought model is interesting by itself.
Sometimes I do ask myself why I have chosen to live the way I am living now. The subsequent question naturally will be: what other options you have, and why not? To answer this, I have enumerated and evaluate those choices.
For example, I don't like to watch movies and tv. After considering the alternative and experimenting, I still decided not watching is better. Blame it on the movie or entertainment industry, but I just find those programmes suck big time.
Another example is on applying styling liquid to my hair. The reason to use the styling liquid was to (hopefully) look good and more mature. I concluded that by not using the styling liquid, I could save time (no need to comb hair every morning), save money (no need to buy that liquid), and be healthier by applying less chemicals on myself. To address the issue of looking good and more mature, I reasoned as long as I am clean and tidy, uncombed hair shouldn't matter much. The next day I went to have a crew cut, and ditched the hair-making ritual from then on.
This kind of question and answer sessions spans most of the choices I have made. I can't claim my current chosen actions are optimal and well-tuned, because I realize there are some fears, doubts, uncertainties, and wishful thinkings involved when making decisions. That is why life sometimes is both fun and frustrating. :)
good to see that you're improving efficiency by ditching the hair. Next step is to just not shave anymore. ;)
If i have sexy beard most probably i won't shave. :)
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