Since these three guys are exceptional vocal at work, I only show their silhouttes to protect their identities
F. Stream visited Penang last Friday and as usual, we went out for some good food and drink.What would 4 engineers talk about after food and beer? This time the main theme revolved mainly around work, meetings (and meeting minutes), incompetent colleagues, and stalled projects.
I found myself remained silent most of the time during the discussion in meeting minutes and the need to keep records straight. I do agree with most of the points made, but for some reasons I already lost the drive to push for changes and screw those who can't even write things properly.
One reason may be my current job has minimal meeting, something like once every month, thus I have no fumes to vent. Another reason is I have slowly avoided to be under the spot light as problem solver or corporate hero. In other words, I am incrementally careful to pick the wars I want to fight. If something is assigned to me, I will resolve it properly, but I no longer take up any more responsibilities than necessary like what I did in Intel. Instead, I will funnel those requests to the appropriate stakeholders.
Learning how to delegate and how to say no are two most valuable things I learned so far.
Are you sure it isn't because you're drunk and you couldn't hold the camera steadily?
I am sure, because when drunk, my hands will be busy with more interesting stuff other than a camera. :P
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