Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Accolade...

All of sudden some old memory flashed across my mind...

Dear reader, if you are from Purdue, do you recognize the painting below...?

The Accolade

This painting is called 'The Accolade', by Edmund Blair Leighton, and is displayed prominently in the computer room on the second floor of MSEE (just next to the sky bridge connecting the Physics building).

The first time I took a close look at this painting was with MAK. Then I had no clue what it depicted and commented something like, "Gee, this lady wants to execute the guy"... Then she told me the queen was bestowing knighthood, instead of cutting that guy's throat. I stood corrected. :)

There was another painting, 'God Speed' by the same painter on the sidewall of that computer room.

God Speed!

All those memories... :)


Unknown said...

陈奕迅 十面埋伏

闻说你 时常在下午 来这里寄信件
逢礼拜 留连艺术展 还是未间断
何以我 来回巡逻遍 仍然和你擦肩
还仍然 在各自宇宙 错过了春天

*只差一点点 即可以 再会面
 可惜 偏偏 刚刚 擦过
 十面埋伏过 孤单感更赤裸
 总差一点点 先可以 再会面
 仿佛 应该 一早 见过
 但直行直过 只差一个眼波 将彼此错过
(但直行直过 只等一个眼波)*

迟两秒 搭上地下铁 能与你碰上么?
如提前 十步入电梯 谁又被错过?
和某某 从来未预约 为何能见更多?
全城来撞你 但最后 处处有险阻


轨迹改变角度交错 寂寞城市又再探戈
天空闪过灿烂花火 和你不再为爱奔波

总差一点点 先可以 再会面
悔不当初 轻轻放过
现在惩罚我 分手分错了么
分开一千天 天天盼 再会面
只怕使你 先找到我
但直行直过 天都帮你去躲 躲开不见我

(too bad i can't post the song here..)

Cuppa Chai said...

Thanks. :) However I don't know how to translate it. Nvm, just leave it here.